Our Services

We founded FP to offer our clients solutions based on high-quality research, reliable intelligence-gathering and contextual analysis - be it integrity due diligence on a joint-venture partner, market entry analysis, or supporting law firms with collecting evidence and tracing assets.

We have charted billionaires' offshore empires, screened Fortune-100 executives and helped detect a debtor's funds tucked away inside a balance sheet or on a distant beachfront.

Today FP offers a suite of services tailored to our clients' worldwide needs, helping map their risks and navigate regulations (such as FCPA, UK Bribery Act or UN Global Compact) and ensure best practice - we keep our clients one step ahead.

FP pioneers smart compliance - we do not believe in ticking boxes. While our corporate clients struggle, like everyone else, to mitigate against risks stemming from their thousands of third parties, they understand that a one-size-fits-all software solution cannot provide all the answers they need.

At the same time, compliance and ESG risks are inherent not just in third parties but can also be acquired via mergers and acquisitions: by acquiring a company, you equally obtain its associated integrity, human rights, environmental and governance risks. FP helps evaluate risks before a partnership and continue to advise on how to mitigate once inside the partnership.

By providing due diligence research training, our clients are empowered to carry out research according to industry standards and best practice. Instead of ticking the box by outsourcing all their checks to high-cost, low-quality data providers that produce false positives, our clients can keep the basic screenings in-house. This frees up resources for especially high-risk third parties and M&A situations that really call for external expertise.

FP is also setting trends in fields that still lack established methodologies: using our skills of intelligence-gathering and local contextual knowledge, FP enables its clients to tackle issues such as human rights, labour rights, corporate social responsibility as well as challenges relating to public procurement in emerging markets.

Integrity due diligence is at the core of FP's expertise. As trained and experienced researchers and analysts, we can identify and explain the risk of corruption, bribery and fraud amongst business partners in context. We understand the challenges of conducting due diligence in the highest risk jurisdictions where information is inaccessible and unreliable - and yet this is exactly where regulations such as FCPA and UK Bribery Act require businesses to take a proactive approach.

We adapt our due diligence offering to the needs of our clients, who are often caught between regulatory requirements and tight budgets. We do not believe in tick-the-box or one-size-fits-all solutions, since businesses should focus resources on their highest risks. Even lower-cost reports can be designed intelligently and address core concerns.

However, lower-cost solutions also have their limitations. In situations where we recognise a high risk, we advise our clients against pursuing lower-cost solutions as a first step measure. False positives and false negatives could backfire or shed insufficient light on the real issues. A deeper dive before the partnership could save costs and nerves later, and shows regulators that the company takes compliance seriously.

When risks and issues of concern we identify prove particularly challenging, we do not leave our clients hanging. Unlike many other risk consulting or intelligence firms, we are not afraid to offer our clients practical recommendations on how to manage and mitigate these risks. We understand that businesses operate in difficult environments and need assistance once a partnership has been agreed.
Corporates are facing increasing pressure from local and international regulators, including United Nations initiatives such as the Global Compact and the Principles of Responsible Investment, to address compliance and ESG risks emanating from its third parties. This is driving the momentum for smart and efficient solutions to deal with the vast number of existing counterparties - be they agents, suppliers or customers.

Working closely with compliance and legal teams, FP develops approaches that turn its corporate clients into leaders of smart compliance: instead of one-size-fits-all, which falls short of addressing high-risk third parties, we help develop risk-based tools to formulate pragmatic, custom-made solutions. Although strengthening the internal risk assessment framework provides a first line of defence for future regulatory scrutiny, FP's solutions strengthen our clients' third party risk management not just on paper.

FP also assists its contacts in Compliance and Legal to secure corporate buy-in, assisting in presentations to stakeholders and providing realistic solutions to frontline business units handling third parties.

Our firsthand research and intelligence-gathering skills also give us an advantage in building internal due diligence structures for our corporate clients that are pragmatic, efficient and ensure best practice.
We prefer to help our clients avoid disputes by supporting them with reputational information and risk-mitigation advice about their partners prior to a deal.

Yet sometimes disputes arise even if you have done your due diligence on partners and acquisitions, outside of your own making, from competitors, customers - or your own employees.

FP assists its clients throughout the dispute cycle, from investigating potential damages or conflicts of interests by business partners and employees, to assisting you and your legal advisors during the litigation process by providing supporting material via research and information gathering.
Emerging markets present a unique combination of opportunities and risks. While we leave it to our clients to assess their commercial opportunities, FP ensures the most accurate understanding of their risks.

Obtaining correct information on business partners, projects and customers is crucial to evaluate whether opportunities outweigh risks. We have seen clients decline projects based on bad intelligence - relying on basic information sources like Google or corporate data vendors with poor coverage of emerging markets is not the right formula for operating in complex markets. We have also seen companies take much higher risks than they were aware of, for example entering into a public tender via a local agent without understanding the ties between the agent and the ultimate customer.

In emerging markets, the core elements for companies to reach the right conclusions is through (a) access to well-placed human sources and experts, (b) access to high-level contextual analysis and (c) understanding what steps can be taken to mitigate identified risks.

This is where you need FP, and where we excel.
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Integrity due diligence is at the core of FP's expertise. As trained and experienced researchers and analysts, we can identify and explain the risk of corruption, bribery and fraud amongst business partners in context. We understand the challenges of conducting due diligence in the highest risk jurisdictions where information is inaccessible and unreliable - and yet this is exactly where regulations such as FCPA and UK Bribery Act require businesses to take a proactive approach.

We adapt our due diligence offering to the needs of our clients, who are often caught between regulatory requirements and tight budgets. We do not believe in tick-the-box or one-size-fits-all solutions, since businesses should focus resources on their highest risks. Even lower-cost reports can be designed intelligently and address core concerns.

However, lower-cost solutions also have their limitations. In situations where we recognise a high risk, we advise our clients against pursuing lower-cost solutions as a first step measure. False positives and false negatives could backfire or shed insufficient light on the real issues. A deeper dive before the partnership could save costs and nerves later, and shows regulators that the company takes compliance seriously.

When risks and issues of concern we identify prove particularly challenging, we do not leave our clients hanging. Unlike many other risk consulting or intelligence firms, we are not afraid to offer our clients practical recommendations on how to manage and mitigate these risks. We understand that businesses operate in difficult environments and need assistance once a partnership has been agreed.
Corporates are facing increasing pressure from local and international regulators, including United Nations initiatives such as the Global Compact and the Principles of Responsible Investment, to address compliance and ESG risks emanating from its third parties. This is driving the momentum for smart and efficient solutions to deal with the vast number of existing counterparties - be they agents, suppliers or customers.

Working closely with compliance and legal teams, FP develops approaches that turn its corporate clients into leaders of smart compliance: instead of one-size-fits-all, which falls short of addressing high-risk third parties, we help develop risk-based tools to formulate pragmatic, custom-made solutions. Although strengthening the internal risk assessment framework provides a first line of defence for future regulatory scrutiny, FP's solutions strengthen our clients' third party risk management not just on paper.

FP also assists its contacts in Compliance and Legal to secure corporate buy-in, assisting in presentations to stakeholders and providing realistic solutions to frontline business units handling third parties.

Our firsthand research and intelligence-gathering skills also give us an advantage in building internal due diligence structures for our corporate clients that are pragmatic, efficient and ensure best practice.
We prefer to help our clients avoid disputes by supporting them with reputational information and risk-mitigation advice about their partners prior to a deal.

Yet sometimes disputes arise even if you have done your due diligence on partners and acquisitions, outside of your own making, from competitors, customers - or your own employees.

FP assists its clients throughout the dispute cycle, from investigating potential damages or conflicts of interests by business partners and employees, to assisting you and your legal advisors during the litigation process by providing supporting material via research and information gathering.
Emerging markets present a unique combination of opportunities and risks. While we leave it to our clients to assess their commercial opportunities, FP ensures the most accurate understanding of their risks.

Obtaining correct information on business partners, projects and customers is crucial to evaluate whether opportunities outweigh risks. We have seen clients decline projects based on bad intelligence - relying on basic information sources like Google or corporate data vendors with poor coverage of emerging markets is not the right formula for operating in complex markets. We have also seen companies take much higher risks than they were aware of, for example entering into a public tender via a local agent without understanding the ties between the agent and the ultimate customer.

In emerging markets, the core elements for companies to reach the right conclusions is through (a) access to well-placed human sources and experts, (b) access to high-level contextual analysis and (c) understanding what steps can be taken to mitigate identified risks.

This is where you need FP, and where we excel.